“STOP SOPA” is utter bullshit.

SOPA isn’t about the user, it’s about the corporation.

I am sick of these corporations playing games with us. This isn’t about the individual vs. the corporation, it’s about the corporation vs. the corporation. Everyone is buying this as a war against censorship because they’re so afraid it’ll affect us. Of course it’ll affect us. These websites are products we use, not representative of us. If Wikipedia ceases to exist, it’s not the end of the world… except for THAT corporation.

It’s all a game. It’s all about money. It has nothing to do with fighting censorship or freedom of speech, or standing up for our rights as Americans.

It’s about one group of corporations who are losing money from us, the user who pirate their property, vs. another group of corporations who are afraid they’ll lose money because the government will shut their websites down for copyright infringement.

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The Dark Knight Rises trailer- Where action meets art.

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had high expectations from what I watched and listened to. I assumed everyone in Hollywood put 100% into everything they did and did it with utmost professionalism and respect for the artform. Everyone wanted to say something through this medium, not just use it for profit. Growing up and seeing the reality behind film and television, I’ve come to see how that greedy side of Hollywood is actually 99% of the business. No one, let alone directors of action flicks, make films to say something. Oh please!

You’ve seen Transformers. You’ve seen Pirates of the Caribbean. Those films are made for little boys to watch things blow up then forget about them once they leave the theater. I remember when movies where cars blew up every five seconds and a scantily clad hot woman ran around with a hunky dude had actual depth and themes, and things to say about life. You see what James Cameron makes now- blue aliens fighting 2D clichéd villains- and you have to scratch your head and wonder what the fuck is going on in the film industry? It’s as if every action movie is a cartoon targeted for a 10 year old.

The Dark Knight trilogy, however, is far from that. In fact, Christopher Nolan took a cartoon/comic book character and made him more realistic than any character in Avatar or Transformers, or that Fast and Furious franchise. But this has been a character who has been dark to me since the mid-nineties.
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On the Road: Full-Frontal Glory

So, a couple photos surfaced recently from On The Road, Kristen Stewart’s rite of passage into the big leagues, I think. This is one of those films that could make her into one of the most respected actresses… or break her. Mind you, it’s not a starring role. According to the script, women are a means to a beautiful, orgasmic, drug induced end. Dean and Sam, Hedlund and Riley’s characters respectively, are in and out of them faster than a cat in a Chinese Food restaurant. I don’t mean to say they’re players, but they definitely don’t hold monogamy with the highest regard.

With all that said, when that  photo of Garrett and some hot blond with the tatas exploded on my twitter feed yesterday, I wonder why some folks refused to believe that Kristen would be capable of that?

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Breaking Dawn 2: Spoiler Heaven Sex


Is Kristen pointing to those photographers who got their paws on some good BTS footage of her and her Thruster? And is she wondering how the fuck people found them? I feel ya, chick, because that was my reaction this morning when I found out there is a video out there on the interwebs of a leaked BD2 sex scene.

How the fuck did people find this?

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Filmmakers! Here’s a quick guide on how to make $500 million in 12 days!



That’s a whole lotta zeros for a film targeting a demographic full of women lusting after the sparklepeen of one Edward Cullen. Good lord! You would think this was a bad action flick, yet another unnecessary sequel, or that other teen movie starring a British actor. Check out the list of the top-grossing films in 2011 and how much they’ve earned to date (worldwide, in millions):

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2- $1,328.1

2 Transformers: Dark of the Moon- $1,123.2

3 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides- $1,043.9

4 Kung Fu Panda 2- $663.0

5 Fast Five- $626.1

6 The Hangover Part II- $581.5

7 The Smurfs- $561.1

8 Cars 2- $551.8

9 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1- $508.4

10 Rio- $484.6

But no, Summit Entertainment produced a movie that defied pretty much every genre, expectation, and trend. Now how did they manage to release original, very challenging material that received an abysmal 26% on rottentomatoes.com??

Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m pretty sure Hollywood filmmakers and producers will look at this series and think about how they can copy Twilight’s success by 2012:

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David Cronenberg on Robert Pattinson and film financing.


I saw this coming a mile away.

Legendary director, David Cronenberg discusses his latest film, A Dangerous Method with Gothamist, and touches on the “art” of casting. I’m glad he answered this question the way he did. It’s both a compliment and a curse.

Viggo Mortensen, Magneto, and a movie with Rob Pattinson next, with all that Twilight hoopla around him. You don’t mind stars with franchise baggage it seems. It’s like with Viggo with The Lord of the Rings, frankly. We’ve talked about this a lot. He wouldn’t have been a candidate for A History of Violence if it hadn’t been for Lord of the Rings because he wasn’t well-known, he was really kind of a B actor, character actor before Lord of the Rings made him a star. Therefore, he would not be somebody who could get you the financing that you need. It’s something about casting that people don’t think about but as a director, you really have to think about it because your producers make you think about it and so do your distributors. You say, “I want this guy,” and they say “Forget it! Nobody knows who he is and we can’t build a campaign around him to release to movie.” So not only do you have to get the right guy, you have to figure out who that guy is creatively but he has to want to do it to, you have to be able to afford him, he has to be available at the time you want him and he has to have the star power to get your movie financed. It’s very tricky casting a movie and for a director it’s a huge part of what you do, to weave your way through this mine field and end up with the right guy in your movie. Because if you make a huge miscasting mistake, it can kill your movie before you’ve even shot a foot of film.

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An empty shell in Mirror Mirror trailer.

“Mirror Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”

Unfortunately, for Relativity Media, it’s still SWATH.

Now, while I am a diehard Kristen Stewart fan, and expected Snow White and the Huntsman to be amazing in everyway, anyway, I did not expect (or hope for that matter) for Mirror Mirror to be so damn bad.

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The Snow White and the Huntsman trailer is the fairest of them all!

You don’t need a fancy mirror to tell you 2012 will belong to one Snow White and one Snow White only.

One thing I was expecting in the trailer that we didn’t get was Kristen’s accent. I look forward to hearing her sound more British than Rob does.

*American Expatriates Do It Better*

I have nothing else to say except enjoy the trailer, ladies. This film will be the perfect summer blockbuster!

If Edward Cullen thrusts, and no one sees it…

Ever since the “Rob vomit” on Friday morning, [The now infamous: “The wedding scene’s funny because we used a real priest. So technically we are already married because he did all the things you would do in a normal ceremony. So we don’t have a civil union in law, but I guess in the church we are actually married.” 

andThat’s not how Edward would thrust! Here, let me borrow Kristen and I’ll show you!”

the fandom has been practically salivating for more of his silly vomit and for BD to hit the theaters… and for good reason. As Rob puts it in his interview with Total Film:

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According to Gossip Cop,

GossipCop Set your DVRs, Twihards. Gossip Cop has learned that the entire cast of Breaking Dawn will be taping “Ellen” next month.

We’re told Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner, along with the film’s other stars, will all tape the show on Monday, November 14, but the episode won’t air until Friday, November 18 when Breaking Dawn hits theaters.

Gossip Cop will update when we receive information about cast appearances on other shows.


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